Baseball age is determined by your player's age on April 30 of the playing year. This calculator can be used to review and confirm.
Softball age is determined by your player's age on September 1 of the playing year. This calculator can be used to review and confirm.
The AYBSA board is excited to hear about the popularity of the clinics and the good training that is happening at the softball and baseball clinics. Kids who want to learn and gain confidence enjoy the game a great deal. Thanks to the parents who get kids to the clinics, and thanks to the players who are working hard to learn and develop, and thanks to the training teams who help the kids work harder and smarter!
TEE BALL - LEAGUE AGE 4-6, Commissioner Marko Stratakius
Overview: This Instructional League is intended to teach basic skills (throw, hit, catch flies, field grounders, and run bases) to small groups of boys and girls. The first half of each session is devoted to instruction. The second half of each session is used for game playing using a batting tee. Rosters will be set around mid-April and the first session will be the first weekend of May and ends on Father's Day weekend in June. Rosters are generally based on school districts.
Time: Tee ball team’s practice/play on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 3:00PM to 4:30PM at various fields throughout the town.
AA - LEAGUE AGE 6-7, Commissioner Alan Biscan
Overview: This Instructional League further teaches basic skills (throw, hit, catch flies, field grounders, and run bases) to small groups of boys and girls. Rosters will be set in the middle of April and practices will be scheduled soon after. The season will start the first weekend of May and end late June.
Time: Generally, there will be 2 games a week with one of them on the weekend. Games start at 5:30PM during the week and various times on the weekend.
PIONEER - LEAGUE AGE 8, Commissioner Joe Marshall
Overview: This league is for Eight year olds that have already had at least one year in the AA league. The purpose of the league is to be slightly more competitive than AA with more of the rules of the Major division. Team selection is done to try and level set teams to ensure reasonable competition between teams. The rosters will be finished by early April.
Evaluation: This age group will participate in an evaluation late March to evaluate the kids fielding, throwing and running ability.
Time: Practices will start in early April with at least one practice a week for the entire season. Games will start at the end of April and end late June. There will be 2 to 3 games a week with one being on the weekend. Start times during the week will be 5:30PM and various times on the weekend.
AAA - LEAGUE AGE 9-12, Commissioner Scott Lennox
Overview: The AAA league will consist of players league ages 9 through 12. The 10 through 12 year olds that are not selected for the Majors in the Fall will need to attend the evaluation at the end of March with the 9 year olds. The number of players will determine the number of teams in the AAA league. The rosters will be finished by early April.
Evaluation: This age group will participate in an evaluation late March to evaluate the kids fielding, throwing and running ability.
Time: Practices will start in early April with at least one practice a week for the entire season. Games will start at the end of April and end mid June. There will be 2 to 3 games a week with all games being during the week. Start times during the week will be 5:30PM or 7:45PM.
MAJORS - LEAGUE AGE 10-12, Commissioner Gene O'Connor
Overview: This age group consists of player league ages 10 through 12 only. New players will participate in a try-out in the fall in order to be drafted onto one of the Major league teams. Players are required to attend the tryout in order to be eligible for the draft, no exceptions. Players already on a Major league roster from the previous year do not need to tryout and are only required to register. After the try-out there will be a draft to fill the Major league rosters. The remaining 10 to 12 year olds not selected will need to attend the AAA evaluation in March. The rosters will be finished in the Fall after the try-out.
Try-out: This age group will participate in a try-out in the Fall for any new players for the Majors.
Time: Practices will start in early April with at least one practice a week for the entire season. Games will start at the end of April and end mid June. There will be 2 to 3 games a week with all games being during the week. Start times during the week will be 5:30PM or 7:45PM.
AYBSA Softball offers multiple seasons of play for the girls of Arlington, MA. AYBSA Softball teams play in multi-town leagues across three seasons: Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Please contact Dan Kerr or Stephanie Zawacki via the Contacts Page.
AYBSA Softball is for girls aged 5 to 14 as of September 1 of the current school year.
There are three distinct seasons for AYBSA Softball:
Spring season begins in April and ends in June for all age groups.
Summer season begins in late June and ends in August. Age group offerings depend on interest level and volunteers.
Deadline for Summer Softball registration is May 31.
Deadline for Fall Softball registration is August 18.
Additionally, skills clinics occur periodically throughout the year.
One or two practices per week depending on the age level with a focus on skill and team development. Spring season practices begin April 1st or later if the town has not yet opened fields for use on April 1.
Sunday is the most common weekend practice day.
Older teams typically have two practices per week, pending field availability, Sunday plus one weeknight.
SPRING season: April through late June, weeknight games scheduled to start between 5:30 and 6pm. TYPICAL games nights by age follow, but there can be some variation due to field availability.
Off season or skill-specific clinics will be organized and advertised as AYBSA Softball volunteer time allows. Winter clinics will be held at local indoor facilities. Clinics organized during Spring, Summer, or Fall seasons will be held in Arlington, scheduled to avoid conflicts with in-season games and practices, and be offered with age appropriate groupings.
All coaches are volunteers, typically parent players. Three to four volunteers are recruited for each team. Volunteers annually complete USA Softball National Background checks and SafeSport online certified training for abuse prevention.
Jerseys and uniform socks/visors are provided. Players will need to get a helmet with cage, bat, glove, cleats, fielders mask and softball pants. 14U players need black pants. All other ages wear grey pants. For more details on equipment see this Softball Gear Tips Google doc
Beginning in September 2023, USA Softball changed the age group designation date as of Sept 1 for the September thru August softball year to align team ages more closely to public school grade cohorts. Softball player age for the Fall, then following Spring and Summer seasons is the player's age as of Sept 1.
New players to the game are welcome in all age groups and will be given guidance on the basics, as well as coaching towards improving to the typical skill levels for the age group.
For girls ages 6 or 7 or 8 years old as of September 1 of the current school year. The focus for 7 and 8 year olds is on developing fundamental game skills and fun. Games at this age level are currently coach pitch with no base stealing and coach-led umpiring. Age specific rules and equipment is used, including either 10” or 11” SafeSoft softballs instead of the hard softballs. The time commitment for the 8U age level is lower than for older age groups with one game a week and at least one practice a week. Team rosters will typically include between 8 to 12 players each.
For girls ages 9 or 10 years old as of September 1 of the current school year. The focus for 9 and 10 year olds is development of basic skills level and introduction to the pitcher and catcher fielding positions. Depending on the season and league, some coach pitch occurs in 10U to keep games engaging for all players. Base stealing is also introduced at this level. There are some age-specific rule modifications for pitching and base stealing, and an 11” softball is used in this age group. USA Softball umpires officiate, when available. Team rosters will typically include between 11 to 14 players each. If there are more than one team’s worth of players registered before the start of each season, there will be pre-season player assessment held in order to determine team roster(s).
For girls ages 11 or 12 years old as of September 1 of the current school year. This level, while competitive, continues to build on the skills and knowledge necessary to play the game. Players pitch with some age specific rule modifications. USA Softball umpires officiate, when available. Team rosters will typically include between 11 to 14 players each. A 12” softball is used at this age group. If there are more than one team’s worth of players registered before the start of each season, there will be pre-season player assessment held in order to determine team roster(s).
For girls ages 13 or 14 years old as of September 1 of the current school year. This level, while recreational, is competitive and plays by full fast pitch rules with USA Softball umpires officiating. Team rosters will typically include between 11 to 14 players each. If there are more than one team’s worth of players registered before the start of each season, there will be pre-season player assessment held in order to determine team roster(s).
opening baseball clinic session January 5, 2025
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